OEE Optimization

What is OEE? OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a “best practices” metric that identifies the percentage of planned production time that is truly productive. An OEE score of 100% represents perfect production: manufacturing only good parts, as fast as possible, with no downtime. OEE is useful as both a benchmark and a baseline: As a […]

Fault Diagnosis

The subject of machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis as a part of system maintenance has gained a lot of interest due to the potential benefits to be learned from reduced maintenance budgets, enhanced productivity and improved machine availability. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a successful method of machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis since these […]

Condition Monitoring

Flexible evolution possibilities and expandability make IoT-enabled condition monitoring a perfect starting point for digital manufacturing. Its key role is being a source of real-time data about the health of industrial machinery and the environment in which it operates. Leveraging this data, IoT-driven condition monitoring allows monitoring the current state of industrial machinery and identifying the combinations of equipment’s […]

Production Asset Optimization

Capital-intensive enterprises have traditionally faced a difficult decision: play it safe or maximize profits? Calendar-based and usage-based asset maintenance are expensive and require production to be stopped and even then only catch 20% of maintenance needs. Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just fix equipment when it breaks? Unfortunately, no. Unplanned downtime from asset failure can cost 15 times as […]

Predictive Maintenance

According the International Society of Automation, a typical factory loses between 5% and 20% of its manufacturing capacity due to downtime. Traditional preventive maintenance processes require machines to be repaired at intervals based on time or usage. These methods, however, still result in significant instances of equipment failure resulting in idle workers, increased scrap rates, […]